Backstreet Rockie is the Korean Drama which is dubbed actually in Hindi and you can watch the full Drama Backstreet Rockie in Urdu and Hindi on this site. If you don't know how to watch then you can watch video from the menu option. COUNTRY KOREAN AUDIO HINDI DUBBED EPISODES 16 QUALITY 480p, 720p BY HB HAMMAD DYAR STORYLINE: Jung Saet Byul is a 22-year-old, four-dimensional girl with amazing fighting skills, loves her friends, family, and retro-fashion. She has the boys lined up but only convenience store owner Choi Dae Hyun holds her attention. Three years ago, he became imprinted upon her as an 'unforgettable person' after a cigarette errand. Flash forward to the present; Jung Saet Byul applies for a part-time position at Choi Dae Hyun's convenience store, which he also manages. There their love story begins as they heal the wounds of the heart, gain love, and become adults dreaming of the future. Watch the full ...